Florida Springs Scuba
Florida Springs Scuba is a full-service dive center located in the Heart of the Florida Springs - Williston, Florida. You’ll find everything you need in one convenient location central to many of your favorite dive spots. Enjoy learning to dive beginning with our modern classroom, complete retail location, a fully stocked rental department and of course the breathtaking freshwater springs!
Our staff of highly qualified Instructors and Instructor Trainers have decades of experience. We offer everything from the Try Scuba experience through Full Cave Instructor Certification and XR Instructor Trainer. We can assist divers and dive professionals at every level of recreational, technical, and professional training.
Find the last minute save-a-dive items as well as full line of recreational and technical dive gear.
Dive Training

Diving all the Florida Springs ...
The world famous Devil’s Den Prehistoric Spring and Dive Resort serves as our main training location which eliminates some common issues that present themselves in other locations. We don’t have to worry about winds, rough seas, or seasickness when trying to master skills.
We also offer guides and training in Rainbow River, Ginnie Springs, Manatee Springs, Peacock State Park, Buford Springs, Paradise Springs, and Troy Springs just to name a few. From the beginner to serious cave divers to dive professional, we have you covered with locations and training.