• SSI Extended Range Professional Training

SSI Extended Range Professional Training

Become an Extended Range Instructor with Florida Springs Scuba. International Training Director Kevin Tate conducts Instructor Training Courses that will elevate your diving career to the next level. Some of the courses available are Extended Range Foundation Instructor (for Sidemount, Back Doubles or Single Tank), Gas Blender Instructor, Extended Range Sidemount Instructor, Extended Range Cavern Instructor, Extended Range Cave Instructor, Extended Range Full Cave Instructor, Extended Range Instructor, Extended Range Trimix, Extended Range Hypoxic Trimix Instructor, Technical Extended Range Instructor, Extended Range Wreck Instructor and Extended Range Technical Wreck. If you're already an experienced XR Instructor and want to take your career even further, call us for more information about becoming and Extended Range Instructor Trainer. See below for the next class available. 

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Teach Thrilling Extended Range Diving with SSI

Go farther, deeper, and beyond by qualifying as an instructor in the exciting world of technical diving with SSI’s Extended Range Instructor qualifications. Train in Open Circuit, Rebreather, and Sidemount configurations at greater depths or in caves, mines, and wrecks to teach divers in challenging environments beyond recreational depth limits.

As a certified Extended Range Instructor, you can explore the world’s best technical dives and take your passion for diving to the next level. With increased safety and skill levels, and the ability to guide divers through exciting and challenging environments, you’ll be able to advance your diving career and open up new opportunities. Contact your nearest SSI Extended Range Instructor Training Center to continue your Instructor Training Pathway and start teaching divers at the next level!

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